Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hi friends!

Alright so I'm new to this whole blogging ordeal so please cut a girl some slack.. Anywho I'm Emma and I am just a girl living in San Francisco, California (yes, it is as windy as everyone says. no, it rarely rains here). Pretty much it.. there's not much to me! But I'll tell you more anyway because let's be honest here, who doesn't like talking about themselves. Okay, well, I've started this blog simply because I love talking and I love social media so I might as well do both! ..even if no one even reads these haha

So basically, my brain is always going. Like nonstop. I don't understand how it does it. That's why I'm here on blogger/blogspot/whatever you want to call it.  I like sharing my ideas with people in hopes that they inspire them as well.  I also love giving advice on life.. or anything really. Not trying to brag or anything, but I've been through some wild stuff LOL (why I just put LOL, I don't know. Please don't judge me).  What I plan to post here are some of my favorite recipes/foods, DIY tricks and tips, healthy living ideas, beauty fabulousness, and maybe even just what's going on with my life.

Well that pretty much sums it up! Can't wait to get this bad boy up and running!


PS. If you read this, I heart you.

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