Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year's Resolutions for Every Young Adult

Well party people, the new year is right around the corner! And with every new year comes those pesky little resolutions we set for ourselves and fail to fulfill by the end of the year. However, I have come up with a few for the young adults (or even not so young adults) out there!

  1. Find a hobby. For those of us that are constantly on the go, attempting to balance school, work, and a social life, this resolution seems like a joke. However setting aside a couple of hours for yourself in the week can have such a positive effect on your life. For me, I love to blog! I figure I'm always on the computer and I love writing and giving advice so it's perfect. For the athletic readers, find a sport being offered by your community or take on some new challenging workout regimen. For my fellow artists, there are so many things to take on such as writing, photography, painting/drawing, or dancing. Not only are hobbies a good source of stress relief, but they could potentially lead you to a new career!
  2. Strive to save a certain amount of money by the end of the year (i.e. $1000). Honestly, it scares me a bit when it comes to saving money. I always try so hard and then all of a sudden my money just vanishes.. or so it seems. But this task doesn't have to be difficult! One way of doing this is by adding a specific amount of money to a jar each week whether it be $1, $5, or even just loose change. By doing this every day or once a week, you'll be surprised about how it really adds up by the end of the year! 
  3. Find an exercise you are passionate about. It's amazing how many forms of exercise there are out there for us. Between yoga, dance classes, swimming, or lifting weights, the options are almost endless! Find one you're passionate about and try to complete a session a few times a week. These exercises don't need to be extensive or long, but with time, you'll begin to feel healthier and happier!
  4. Go on an adventure. When I say adventure, I don't mean travel to another country and live their lifestyle for a couple of months (unless that's your style. In that case GO FOR IT), this could be something as simple as hiking that mysterious trail behind your house and seeing where it leads you. If you're by a coast, there are tons of hidden beaches or coves I can almost guarantee that you have never seen before. Not only does this give you an opportunity to take a solid Instagram picture (which let's face it, seems to extremely important these days), but really helps to open your eyes into the world we live in!
  5. Set a goal within the workplace. Whether you're a student or an employee, you can always set a goal regarding your work habits. For you students out there, maybe you could use a little help in the prioritization department or balancing out work and play. Believe it or not, I find I actually do better in my classes when I allow myself to let loose every once in a while. It is okay to give your brain a break, people! For those of you working, strive for that promotion or raise that is being offered, just remember that if you don't get it, you're not a terrible employee!

Although these are just a few ideas, you can always set other goals for yourself for the new year! Best of luck to all of you and happy holidays!


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